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Stephen Nortcliff編
Task Force: Soil Matters - Solutions Under Foot - Catena Verlag刊
ISBN 978-3-923381-63-0

IUSS (International Union of Soil Science)を代表してStephen Nortcliff博士が編集した本書は、Catena Verlagから2015年11月に刊行されました。本書では土壌の多様性や機能、私たちの生活におけるさまざまな観点からの重要性について述べられており、国際土壌年2015に土壌の価値を理解する上でよい書となっております。


Section 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Stephen Nortcliff
Soil Matters 1

Section 2: Soils and the Environment 4
2.1 Karl Stahr
Soils of the World 4
2.2 Peter Finke
Soil and Landscape 8
2.3 Mary Beth Kirkham
The Soil Water Cycle 11
2.4 Charles Tarnocai
Soil and Permafrost 17 
2.5 Kazuyuki Inubushi
Soil and Wetland (including paddy) 20
2.5 H.-P. Blume and H. Fleige
Extraterrestrial Soils 22

Section 3: Soil Threats 28 
3.1 Rainer Horn.
Soil Compaction and Consequences 
of Soil Deformation on Changes in Soil Functions 28 
3.2 Mark Kibblewhite
Soil Contamination 33
3.3 Rattan Lal
Soil Erosion 39
3.4 Jean Louis Morel, Wolfgang Burghardt 
and Gan-Lin Zhang
Soils and Urban, Industrial, Traffic, 
Mining and Military Areas (SUIMAs) 49
3.5 Sigbert Huber and Gundula Prokop
Soil Sealing 55
3.6 Charles W. Rice
Soils and Climate Change 61

Section 4: Soil Carbon and Biodiversity 64 
4.1 Rattan Lal
Soil Carbon 64
4.2 Guénola Pérès and Claire Chenu
Soils and Biodiversity 70

Section 5: Soil and Land Use 73 
5.1 Roger S. Swift
Soil and Fertiliser Resources: 
Will they Meet Future Needs? 73
5.2 Scott X. Chang
Soils and Plant Nutrition 77
5.3 Flávio A.O. Camargo and Segundo Uriquiaga
Soil Nitrogen 82
5.4 Ganga M. Hettiarachchi
Soil and Human Health 87
5.5 Michael Englisch
Soils and Forestry 92 
5.6 Edoardo A.C. Costantini
Soil and Wine 96
5.7 Ivan Vasenev
Soil and Land Use Planning 100

Section 6: Do we Value Soil? 105 
6.1 David A. Robinson
Soils and Ecosystem Services 105
6.2 Sung Chul Kim, Su-Jung Kim and Jae E. Yang
Soil Value 112
6.3 Arwyn Jones
Giving Soils a Voice: Encouraging Awareness 
through Societal Engagement and Education 115

Section 7: Soil and Society 121 
7.1 Christian Feller and Nikola Patzel
Soil between Nature and Culture 121
7.2 Winfried E.H. Blum
Soil and Religion 127
7.3 Verena Winiwarter
Soils and History 130
7.4 David L. Dent
Soil as Heritage 135
7.5 Alexandra Regan Toland and Jay Stratton Noller
Soil Matters to Artists: An Overview of Artistic 
Activities in the International Year of Soils 141
7.6 Cristine Carole Muggler
Soil and Education 147

Section 8: The International Year of Soils 151 
8.1 Stephen Nortcliff, Winfried E.H. Blum 
and Irb Kheoruenromne 
World Soil Day and the International Year of Soils 151 

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